Subject Reviews

Business and Government

Other names: Business and Government
PPMN90056 Business and Government
Lectured by Valerie
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 2
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
Power relationship between government and business; ideational power, discursive power, instrumental power and etc.
What to do?
Make a reading group
What NOT to do?
What prior knowledge do I need?
Why should I choose this subject?
If you are interested with the relationship between those two entities, you should give this subject a try
PPMN90056 Business and Government
Lectured by Valarie Sands
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 2
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
he respective roles, responsibilities and sources of power characterising relationships between business and government play a crucial role in shaping public policy and regulation, within and between countries. Because of its productive function, business often enjoys a privileged position with government, while a major goal of policy and regulation at national and international levels is to steer and regulate business activity. Relationships between business and government vary significantly in different countries, economic sectors, and over time, and the conceptual tools for understanding them remain subject to widespread debate. This subject critically reviews contemporary policy debates and scholarly research, and draws on contrasting case examples to explore theoretical, normative and practical implications of business-government relationships. Particular attention is given to debates about government-business relationships associated with processes of public policy formation and implementation, social and environmental regulation, and delivery of public services and infrastructure. On completion of the subject, students should have a strong critical understanding of debates about the character and inter-relationship of business and government, from a comparative and international perspective.
What to do?
Search any business and government issues and it would be easy if you use any cases in Indonesia
What NOT to do?
Do not waste your time searching new journals as you basis theory instead use as many theories that are already provided in the lecture.
What prior knowledge do I need?
No needs any prior knowledge
Why should I choose this subject?
If you interested in business entities and the relation between government

Public Policy in the Asian Century

PPMN90030 Public Policy in the Asian Century
Lectured by Michael Breen
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 1
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay, Presentation
What does this subject cover?
This subject will provide students with the necessary foundations for creating, analysing and implementing public policy in the context of the Asian Century. In the first instance, students will consider what is meant by the Asian Century in relation to shifting economic, political and social power and what this means for international relations and governance. Students will explore what it means to be ‘Asia capable’.
What to do?
Make a reading group
What NOT to do?
What prior knowledge do I need?
Why should I choose this subject?
You will gain a lot of new knowledge around public policy in the Asia, especially Southeast Asian

Strategic Political Communication

PPMN90057 Strategic Political Communication
Lectured by Sally Young
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Winter Semester
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay, Quiz
What does this subject cover?
This subject examines the strategies used by political actors to communicate with a focus on political, public and government communication in the mature liberal democracies of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Topics covered include theories of political communication and how news media cover politics, ‘spin’ and PR methods used by politicians to manage the media, political advertising, political oratory, government communication and broadcast political interviews.
What to do?
Forming a grup reading
What NOT to do?
What prior knowledge do I need?
Why should I choose this subject?

Violence, Trauma, and Reconciliation

CRIM90017 Violence, Trauma, and Reconciliation
Lectured by Juliet Robert
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 2
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
Mass violence inflicted by states and groups have a prolonged effect on communities and nations. This subject considers the forms of trauma people experience as a response to these forms of violence and explores how this trauma propels calls for apologies, truth commissions, retribution and torture.
What to do?
You need prior knowledge related to criminology issues, and from the first class, you need to consider either the violence, trauma, and reconciliation topic that you are interested in as the basis for your essay research.
What NOT to do?
Don’t take it if you don’t have any interest or basic knowledge about criminology, as the class will focus on discussion and assumes that students have a basic understanding.
What prior knowledge do I need?
Criminology and Phycologyi
Why should I choose this subject?
If you have any related issues on your job with criminology

Indigenous policy analysis

SOCI90018 Indigenous policy analysis
Lectured by Kim Alley
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Semester 2
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
This subject covers the five eras of Indigenous policy and introduces a set of strategies for analysing and evaluating government policy in a range of fields. Applicable in all policy areas, analysis and evaluation skills are often required in government agencies, industry and community organisations in order to identify the impact of policy and provide direction on opportunity for change. Indigenous affairs is frequently associated with narratives of failure. This subject provides the opportunity to understand the cause of those narratives and work within strengths-based approaches to analyse and evaluate of key policies in Indigenous affairs.
What to do?
Start to search the indigenous policy that you concerned and choose the topic before the Half way of the the semester
What NOT to do?
Do not take any topic outside Australian indigenous policy
What prior knowledge do I need?
Basis understanding of Australian indigenous policy
Why should I choose this subject?
If you have a concern about indigenous studies

Indonesia Rising?

ASIA90018 Indonesia Rising?
Lectured by Mughis Mudhoffir
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Semester 2
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
Indonesia’s emergence as a democratic and decentralized power and Southeast Asia’s only member of the G20 is transforming its relations with its ASEAN neighbours as well as the major regional powers. As a functioning democracy and the largest Muslim nation, Indonesia has a particular position in the global Islamic community. Moreover, a distinctive and activist foreign policy faces profound challenges from geopolitical shifts and from the vicissitudes of globalisation. These same geopolitical shifts will also transform Indonesia-Australia relations, albeit in uncertain ways. This subject will address the effects of the interaction of domestic and international factors on Indonesia’s future trajectory as a nation-state, locating Indonesia as an agent within historical and contemporary global dynamics. To augment the regular classroom sessions, Indonesian and Australian experts and practitioners will also provide guest presentations.
What to do?
Choose a topic you are familiar with, provide evidence from the suggested journals, present a clear and critical overview in writing to earn lecture points.
What NOT to do?
Never make a moderate argument in any your essay conclusion. Do not take time in data instead get the deep in discussion with part.
What prior knowledge do I need?
Nothing needed
Why should I choose this subject?
I you interesting in Indonesian comparative study

International Policy Making in Practice

POLS90034 International Policy Making in Practice
Lectured by Justin Alger
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 2
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
This subject examines how policy is made at both the domestic and global levels. We will explore key actors in policymaking, the factors and sources of information that they consider, the obstacles they confront, and the strategies and techniques they bring to bear to move policy forward. We will examine how governments and international organizations set agendas, formulate policy, engage stakeholders, and implement and evaluate policy. As well as a practical focus on government policymakers, this subject will also expose students to the roles and influence of non-governmental organizations, corporate actors, and other subnational stakeholder in domestic and global policymaking. We will explore issues in practical policymaking through a series of case studies. This subject is unique in that it features senior guest lecturers from government, civil society, and the private sector, with past guests including foreign affairs ministers, senior diplomats, and more. Case studies and specific issues each year may include, among others: The evolution of economic diplomacy, including international efforts to manage the global economy through the G20. Global policy coordination and the domestic determinants of policy to address climate change and biodiversity protection. Multilateral arms control efforts, including those relating to nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. The role of subnational actors in global policymaking, including nongovernmental organizations, corporations, the news media, and others.
What to do?
Try to focus on how to make a professional policy brief
What NOT to do?
Do not just put a simple conclusion instead make a detail options would be great
What prior knowledge do I need?
International relation and policy brief
Why should I choose this subject?
If you interested in international relations or any international issues

Innovative design and service delivery

PPMN90032 Innovative design and service delivery
Lectured by Maria Katsonis
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 1
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
Governments and in turn the public sector are under pressures from new challenges such as growing debt, increased citizen expectations for new and/or better services, demand for more cost‐efficient solutions and a greater role for public participation in policy making and the design of public services. Innovation is playing a central in the public sector's ability to deal with these challenges.
What to do?
Use some visual data like table or graphic to strengthen your argument in your essay
What NOT to do?
Do notue independent research outside reading material that already provided
What prior knowledge do I need?
No need any
Why should I choose this subject?
If you have any interested in innovation and service delivery in your organization

Integrated Marketing Communication

MECM90035 Integrated Marketing Communication
Lectured by Jennifer Beckett
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Semester 1
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
Core subject for Marcomm Students
What to do?
be proactive, volunteer to present in groups
What NOT to do?
don't be passive
What prior knowledge do I need?
Why should I choose this subject?
bcs it's core subject

Development Theories

DEVT90009 Development Theories
Lectured by Dr Denisse Rodriguez (tutor: David)
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Semester 1
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay, mid: reflective essay
What does this subject cover?
the theory of development: starting from the modernisation theory, basic needs (Amartya Sen), decolonisation and feminism.
What to do?
- Baca slides sebelum masuk kelas (at least nggak hang hong hang hong nanti pas di kelas) - Diskusi sama sesama teman - bertanya kalau memang tidak tahu (yang nggak tahu bukan kamu sendirian kok, santai aja) - karena setiap pekan akan ada pembahasan teori yang berbeda, pastikan kamu faham teori di minggu itu, jadi di pekan depannya kamu bisa fokus ke teori selanjutnya
What NOT to do?
diam dan tidak berani bertanya
What prior knowledge do I need?
pembahasan teori, baca buku development is freedom dari Amartya Sen juga bagus
Why should I choose this subject?
karena ini wajib cuy

Development Systems and Interventions

DEVT90053 Development Systems and Interventions
Lectured by Dr Mathew
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Semester 1
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
membahas tentang apa itu development dan bagaimana suatu negara bisa melakukan 'pembangunan'. menariknya misal membahas kemiskinan, miskin ini indikatornya apa? 12$ di Ausie bisa untuk makan di Noershiah satu orang, tapi di Indonesia ini bisa buat dua kali makan, jadi apakah indikator yang ada saat ini sudah menjawab itu semua? membahas tentang SDGs dll
What to do?
baca slide dan baca required reading (kalau banyak, berbagi aja sama sesama temen terus nanti saling cerita haha). perhatikan di kelas, karena akan ada diskusi dan pertanyaan (kalau mau nanya, nanya aja)
What NOT to do?
tidak mengerjakan kuis (kuisnya nggak dinilai cuman dengan ngerjain kuis setidaknya bisa gabung di diskusi)
What prior knowledge do I need?
familiar sama HDI, SDGs dan hal hal seperti itu
Why should I choose this subject?
wajib cuy

Development Research Design & Assessment

DEVT90041 Development Research Design & Assessment
Lectured by Violeta Schubert
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Semester 1
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay, presentasi (world cafe), proposal, membandingkan dua penelitian
What does this subject cover?
tentang penelitian (apa yang membedakan penelitian dari development studies, antrhopologi, dll) metode penelitian apa aja dll
What to do?
hadir karena wajib hadir 100%
What NOT to do?
What prior knowledge do I need?
tentang riset atau penelitian
Why should I choose this subject?
kalau mau ambil minor thesis, ini wajib

Development Project Management & Design

DEVT90001 Development Project Management & Design
Lectured by Denisse
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay, mid: reflective essay (ada perbedaan buat yang belum punya pengalaman tapi intinya ya refleksi)
What does this subject cover?
tentang project management, membahas participatory approach dan mengkritisi yang udah ada selama ini (apakah project itu harus donor-driven? atau harus focus on beneficiaries?)
What to do?
lihat recording sebelum masuk kelas, di tahun saya, Denisse akan nyiapin recording lecture, nah itu baiknya ditonton sebelum masuk kelas. Nanti kalau ada yang nggak paham, tanyain aja
What NOT to do?
What prior knowledge do I need?
tentang project dan dinamikanya (kalau udah ada pengalaman bisa lebih faham, misal belum ada pengalaman, nggak papa, kamu nggak sendirian)
Why should I choose this subject?
ini capstone kalau nggak ambil minor thesis atau internship wajib ambil ini

Disaster and Humanitarian Aid

DEVT90058 Disaster and Humanitarian Aid
Lectured by Anne Decorbert
Delivery mode
Teaching period
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
membahas tentang pendekatan humanitarian, memaknai kembali tentang vulnerability, human capital, decolonisation in disaster issues. bencana ini tidak hanya bencana alam (ini nanti akan ada pembahasan dalam memaknai bencana alam) tapi juga bencana sosial seperti konflik, perang dll. kemudian akan membahs juga kapan aid dalam bentuk humanitarian dan kapan akan menjadi development (karena dua hal ini berbeda)
What to do?
mengerjakan kuis, kuisnya tidak dinilai tapi akan dapat feedback dari dosen baca required reading biar bisa gabung diskusi di kelas
What NOT to do?
tidak mengerjakan kuis
What prior knowledge do I need?
Why should I choose this subject?
kalau mau membahas topik kebencanaan, ini bisa banget diambil sih,

Practising Community-led Development

DEVT90044 Practising Community-led Development
Lectured by Steve Fisher
Delivery mode
On Campus / Offline
Teaching period
Types of assessment
Research paper/essay
What does this subject cover?
membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan proyek dengan komunitas yang memimpin proyek tersebut.
What to do?
baca required reading involve in the discussion
What NOT to do?
tidak hadir, karena kehadiran 100% dan karena kelas intensive jadi wajib hadir
What prior knowledge do I need?
bahwa nggak semua dari outsider itu baik untuk komunitas
Why should I choose this subject?
untuk memahami tentang masyarakat bisa ambil ini, selain itu dosennya praktisioner jadi berasa di fasilitasi bukan sedang kuliah. banyak games dan permainan. kalau kamu bisa gambar, skill itu akan berguna di sini. kalaupun nggak bisa, nggak papa, kamu nggak sendirian.